Customer Testimonials

Here’s what our clients say about Renowoks WA…


I highly recommend Renoworks WA – we came back from holiday to a new kitchen! Jeff from Renoworks coordinated products, labour, electrician, plumber – basically everything so it was 100% hassle free for us. Thank you!

Amanda T. (Mount Hawthorn)

Renoworks WA have just completed my kitchen renovations – the quality of the work done was excellent and I cannot recommend Jeff enough.

Melissa S. (Marangaroo)

Just a little note to thank you; for the beautiful job you have done on my home; for your patience, advice and constant willingness to help; for your attention to detail and care – I know everything you have done has been calculated and with much thought and it certainly shows. I very much appreciate your craftsmanship and think you are one and a million in this industry.

Bec G. (North Beach)

Many thanks Jeff for the wonderful job you did with my laundry. It was a 1970 laundry which was not very functional so with your expertise, quality workmanship and eye for detail, within 5 days it was transformed into a very modern functional laundry which I am happy to work in. I have recommended Renoworks WA to all my friends.

Leonie P. (City Beach)


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